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Call for Presentations

Theme: What you water grows: Providing a language rich environment in the classroom  


Research continues to emphasize the importance of exposing Deaf and hard of hearing (DHH) children to accessible language rich environments from birth. The benefits of accessible language exposure for DHH children have been highlighted in research considering theory of mind, epistemology, identity formulation, and neurological development. Unfortunately, providing these environments in early intervention and K-12 settings can still be difficult, particularly in schools and districts unfamiliar with the unique communication and instructional needs of DHH learners. This difficulty was highlighted during the pandemic, and many of us are still trying to find our new normal. Therefore, the theme for the 2023 NASL ECE conference focuses on promoting accessible language rich environments in the early intervention and K-12 setting. Our goal is to provide students, early interventionists, teachers, scholars, and community stakeholders an opportunity to share their experiences and expertise for ensuring DHH learners are afforded the same linguistic access as their listening spoken language peers. We hope to see you there!


We encourage submission of proposals from graduate students, teacher preparation programs, subject manner experts, teachers, scholars, and community stakeholders. There are three possible options for your proposal: 5-minute poster/strategies session, 20-minute presentation, and 40-minute presentation. 


An example of topics for this proposal can include (but is not limited to): 

  1. Active practice from early interventionists and classroom teachers that strengthens the language environment 

  2. Collaboration between teacher preparation programs and schools 

  3. Insights and input from parents and community stakeholders 

  4. Research based strategies and/or teacher created strategies 

  5. Assessments: what’s working and what isn’t 


The submission deadline for proposals is Friday, November 11th, 2022 by 11:59 pm your time. Proposals will be reviewed in a blind review format. Acceptance letters and draft of schedule will be sent by December 9, 2022. ASL and voice interpreters will be available for presenters. All presenters must be registered for the conference by January 15, 2023.



Submissions can be sent to:

To contact the Summit Committee:

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